Effective home remedies to get period early
Sometimes, you might have a social event or trip planned, and your period arrives unexpectedly, disrupting your plans. Young women often need to be mindful of their menstrual cycle when planning travel or attending a friend or family member's wedding, as changing sanitary products amidst heavy activity can be inconvenient. This can even lead to cancelled plans. Delayed periods can also cause anxiety, prompting women to seek traditional remedies to induce their period and allow them to enjoy their schedule without stress.
Why do periods get delayed?
Women typically have menstrual cycles of 26, 28, or 32 days. Some women may experience longer cycles. Menstruation usually begins between the ages of 12 and 14. Women experiencing irregular periods may be diagnosed with amenorrhea. Other reasons for delayed periods can include:
- Excessive stress
- Diabetes
- Obesity
- Use of birth control pills
- Menopause
- Underweight
- Thyroid issues
- Pregnancy
Effective home remedies for inducing menstruation:
1. Papaya:
Consuming papaya may help if your period is irregular. Papaya contains enzymes that stimulate the estrogen hormone, potentially leading to an earlier period. You can consume raw papaya or its juice twice daily.
2. Fenugreek:
Boil 6 grams of fenugreek in 150 milliliters of water and drink it three times a day. Also, drink fenugreek tea twice daily.
3. Cumin:
Cumin has a warming nature, similar to fenugreek.
4. Coriander:
Coriander seeds are beneficial for women experiencing irregular periods. Boil coriander seeds in two cups of water, then let it cool. Drink this water three times a day to induce menstruation.
5. Ginger:
Ginger is one of the most potent remedies for inducing menstruation. However, it is quite warming and can cause gas. If your period is significantly delayed, you may try a combination of ginger and fenugreek tea, which might be helpful.
6. Pomegranate:
Pomegranate is known to initiate menstruation and address health concerns. To stimulate menstruation, women should consume pomegranate juice two or three times a day. It can also help reduce anemia. For a variation, mix pomegranate juice with sugarcane juice in equal proportions.
7. Sesame seeds:
Consume sesame seeds regularly, approximately 15 days before your expected period. This is quite a warming remedy and could be harmful, so consume sesame seeds with honey two to three times a day.
8. Citrus fruits:
Consume fruits rich in vitamin C, such as lemons, oranges, kiwis, and amla. This can increase progesterone levels, a hormone that may trigger menstruation.
9. Applying warmth to the abdomen:
Applying warmth to the abdomen can relax muscles and reduce stress. Women with irregular periods should apply warmth to the lower abdomen. This process may help induce menstruation. You may also consider a warm bath with some herbal oils. However, use this remedy when your period is due. It helps in bringing on your period quickly.
10. Jaggery:
Combine cumin, sesame seeds, and fenugreek in jaggery to induce menstruation.
11. Dates:
Consume dates in a controlled quantity before your expected period.
12. Fennel:
Fennel is a popular after-meal digestive aid. However, it's also an effective home remedy for women facing delayed periods. Women can use fennel as a tea. It's a medicinal tea that aids in bringing on menstruation quicker. Important note: consume this tea on an empty stomach in the morning, not with biscuits. To make fennel tea, soak some fennel seeds in a glass of water and strain it in the morning. Drinking this water may help with menstruation.
13. Fenugreek seeds:
Boil fenugreek seeds in water and consume the solution. Many experts recommend this.
Note: The information provided above is based on publicly available information and social beliefs; subkuz.com does not vouch for its accuracy. Consult a healthcare professional before trying any remedy.