
A Surprising Nighttime Visit: A Humorous Tale

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Storytelling has a rich and ancient tradition in our country. We've all grown up listening to stories from our grandparents, aunts, and uncles. However, in today's digital age, this tradition is slowly fading. Stories are a powerful means of learning and understanding for both children and adults. Our aim is to entertain you with new stories while also conveying meaningful messages. We hope you enjoy our stories. Here is an interesting one, titled:


"Surprising and Humorous Tales"

In the dead of night, the doorbell rang… A fierce storm raged outside, accompanied by heavy rain…

His wife, worried, woke up and nudged her husband, saying, "Wake up! See who's ringing the doorbell at midnight."

The husband, startled, opened the door,

To find a drunkard standing there… He mumbled, his voice slurring, "Sir, I need your help… Could you give me a push?"

The husband became angry and said, "Mind you, if you ring the bell again…" and slammed the door shut, returning to bed.

His wife asked, "Who was it?"

"A drunkard… his car had broken down, and he was asking for help to push it."

"So, did you help him?" his wife inquired.

"Are you crazy? It's a raging storm outside, torrential rain, pitch black, and you expect me to help a drunkard at three in the morning?"

"Drunkards are still human beings. He might have rung the bell with great hope… Perhaps he considered you a godsend at that moment. His wife and children might be waiting for him at home. You should have helped him," his wife reasoned.

Persuaded by his wife, the husband went back outside—

By then, the darkness had intensified, the rain had grown heavier, and nothing was visible…

"Brother, are you still there? Do you still need help?" the husband shouted loudly.

A hopeful voice replied, "Yes."

"But where are you? I can't see you," the husband shouted again.

The reply came, "Brother, I'm sitting on the swing in your garden. Please give it a little push."


This was an interesting and funny story. Keep reading more such entertaining stories on subkuz.Com because subkuz.Com offers stories in every category, all in your own Hindi language.

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