Once upon a time, in a dense forest, lived a large python. He was very proud and cruel. Whenever he emerged from his burrow, all the animals would flee in terror. His mouth was so vast that he could easily swallow a rabbit whole. One day, the python was wandering in search of prey. Seeing him emerge, all the creatures had vanished into hiding. Finding nothing, he became enraged, hissing and searching in all directions. Nearby, a doe had hidden her newborn fawn beneath a pile of leaves, and had ventured out to find food.
The python's hiss stirred the dry leaves, revealing the fawn. The python spotted it. The fawn froze in fear, unable to cry out. The python immediately swallowed the newborn fawn. Just then, the doe returned, but she was powerless to do anything. From a distance, she watched with tear-filled eyes as her baby was consumed. The doe's grief was overwhelming, and she resolved to take revenge on the python. The doe had a friend, a mongoose.
The Mongoose Spoke in a Voice Full of Sorrow
The mongoose spoke in a sorrowful voice, "Friend, if I could, I would tear that wicked python into a hundred pieces. But what can I do? He is not some small snake I can kill. He is a python. Just his tail's flick could leave me crippled. But nearby is an ant colony, and their queen is my friend. We must seek her assistance." The doe responded with despair, "If even a creature as large as you cannot harm the python, what can a tiny ant do?" The mongoose said, "Don't think so. They have a vast army. Strength lies in unity."
The doe felt a flicker of hope. The mongoose took the doe to the ant queen, and recounted the entire story. The ant queen, after deep consideration, said, "We will help you. Near our colony is a narrow path lined with sharp stones. Somehow, you must force the python to enter that path. Leave the rest to my army." The mongoose had complete faith in his friend, the ant queen, and was ready to risk his life. The next day, the mongoose went to the python's burrow and started making noises. Hearing his enemy's voice, the python emerged in a fit of rage.
The mongoose ran towards the narrow path. The python pursued him. When the python paused, the mongoose would hiss and provoke him, forcing him to resume the chase. In this way, the mongoose forced the python into the narrow path. Sharp stones scraped against the python's skin. By the time the python emerged from the path, much of its skin was ripped away, and blood was flowing. Simultaneously, the ant army attacked. Ants swarmed onto the python's body and began to gnaw at the exposed flesh. The python writhed in agony, further exposing more flesh to the ants' attack. The python was powerless against the ants. Thousands of ants swarmed over him, and soon the cruel python died, writhing in pain.
This story teaches us that the strength of unity can overcome even the mightiest opponents.