Meet the Famous and Inspiring Story, The City Mouse and the Country Mouse
Once upon a time, two mice were very good friends. One mouse lived in the city and the other in the countryside, but both kept in touch through the mice that travelled between the two places. One day, the city mouse wanted to meet his friend, so he sent word to his friend in the village through a messenger mouse. Hearing the news of his friend's arrival, the country mouse was overjoyed. He began to prepare to welcome his friend. Then came the day when the city mouse arrived in the village to meet his friend. The country mouse welcomed his friend with great joy. They spent hours talking. In the midst of their conversation, the country mouse said, "There must be a lot of pollution in the city, but the atmosphere here in the village is quite pure."
After all this talk, both mice felt hungry. The country mouse lovingly served his friend some fruits, bread, and lentil and rice dishes. They both enjoyed their meal together. After eating, they went for a walk around the village. They enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the village. While showing the greenery of the village, the country mouse asked the city mouse, "Are there such green places in the city?" The city mouse did not answer, but he did invite his friend to visit the city. After a full day of walking, both mice sat down to eat dinner. The country mouse again offered his friend fruits and grains. They ate and went to sleep.
The next morning, the country mouse served his friend the same fruits and grains for breakfast. Seeing this, the city mouse became annoyed. He angrily said to the country mouse, "Do you eat the same food every day, all the time? Isn't there anything else to eat besides this?" The city mouse said to his friend, "Let's go to the city right now. See how comfortable life is there and how many different things there are to eat." The country mouse agreed to go with his friend. Both mice set off towards the city. By the time they reached the city, it was night. The city mouse lived in a large burrow in a big house. The country mouse was amazed to see such a large house. Then he saw various food items on the table. Both mice sat down to eat.
The country mouse tasted a piece of cheese. He liked the cheese very much and immediately gobbled it up. While they were still eating, they heard the sound of a cat. The city mouse immediately told the country mouse to hide in the burrow. He said, "Friend, hide in the burrow quickly, or the cat will catch us." They both ran and hid in the burrow. The country mouse was quite scared. After a while, the cat left, and both came out. The city mouse encouraged the country mouse, saying, "Now there is no fear, my friend, the cat is gone. This is all part of life, it's normal." After this, they started eating again. Just as the country mouse had started eating bread, there was a sound at the door and a boy with a large dog started to enter.
The country mouse's fear increased, and he asked the city mouse about it. The city mouse first told the country mouse to hide in the burrow. Then, while hiding in the burrow, he told the country mouse that the dog belonged to the house owner, who always stayed there. After the dog left, both mice came out of the burrow. This time, the country mouse was even more scared. Before the city mouse could say anything, the country mouse asked for permission to leave. The country mouse said to his friend, "Thank you very much for your delicious food, but I cannot live here risking my life every day, friend. Delicious food is one thing, and a valuable life is another." Saying this, the country mouse left the city and headed towards the village. Once he reached the village, he took a deep breath.
This story teaches us that - comfort in dangerous lives never brings peace. A simple but safe life is the happy life.
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