
Sheikh Chilli's Train Journey: A Lesson in Understanding Transportation

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The Train Journey - A Tale of Sheikh Chilli

Sheikh Chilli possessed a rather restless nature. He could not stay in one place for long. His employment reflected this trait. After a few days on a job, he would be dismissed, sometimes for foolishness, sometimes for mischievous behaviour, and other times for shirking duties. Repeated dismissals led him to conclude that these jobs offered him nothing. He decided to head straight to Mumbai and become a renowned artist. With this resolve, he quickly purchased a train ticket to Mumbai. This was Sheikh Chilli's first train journey. Overjoyed, he arrived at the railway station ahead of schedule. As soon as the train arrived, he rushed to the first-class carriage. He was unaware that one had to sit in the carriage corresponding to the purchased ticket. This first-class carriage was magnificent and entirely empty. The train began its journey. Sheikh Chilli mused that everyone says trains are crowded, but this one was empty.

Seated alone, he initially managed his restless spirit, but when the train did not stop for an extended period, and no one boarded the carriage, he became anxious. He had imagined that, like a bus, the train would stop after a while, allowing him to disembark. Unfortunately, neither a station nor a stop materialised. The solitary journey began to bore Sheikh Chilli. He was so distressed that, like on a bus, he started shouting, "Stop it! Stop it!" After persistent shouting, when the train still didn't stop, he sat in a sulky mood. After a considerable wait, the train finally stopped at a station. Sheikh Chilli quickly got up and peered out of the window. Then, his eyes fell on a railway employee. He called out to the employee, gesturing for him to come closer. The employee approached Sheikh Chilli and inquired, "What's wrong?" Sheikh Chilli complained, "What kind of a train is this? I've been shouting, but it refuses to stop!"

"This isn't a bus; it's a train. It's not designed to stop at every location. It stops only at designated stations. Unlike a bus, you can't tell the driver or conductor to stop the train," the railway employee explained. To conceal his mistake, Sheikh Chilli hastily replied, "Yes, yes, I understand everything." The employee retorted sharply, "If you understand everything, why are you asking these questions?" Sheikh Chilli had no answer. He simply muttered, "I'll ask whatever I want, and I'll ask it repeatedly." Angered, the railway employee, using a word Sheikh Chilli didn't fully grasp, called him "nonsense" and walked away. Sheikh Chilli only understood the word 'noon'. He responded to the employee, "We don't just eat 'noon'; we enjoy a full feast!" He then burst into laughter. Meanwhile, the train resumed its journey.

Lesson from the Story: Before embarking on a journey by any new mode of transportation, it is crucial to gather all relevant information about that form of travel.

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