A successful marital life hinges critically on the compatibility of qualities between husband and wife, which are determined by the compatibility of their birth charts. According to Hindu traditions, a horoscope matching is performed before marriage, assessing the qualities of both the boy and the girl. In Hindu customs, each individual's horoscope contains a total of 36 qualities. These 36 qualities relate to attributes of the boy and girl, such as virtues, planetary positions, fate, social status, vital energy, and others. According to beliefs, the more qualities that match between the boy and girl, the more auspicious and successful the marriage is considered.
Today, we will discuss the number of qualities necessary for a successful marital life.
Compatibility Matching
A harmonious marital life bly depends on the matching of qualities between the couple, and these are determined through horoscope matching. An individual's horoscope is created based on their date, year, time, and place of birth. The horoscope is constructed by analyzing the positions of celestial bodies at the time of birth. Then, during the marriage process, the horoscopes of the boy and girl are matched. During horoscope matching, the primary focus is on the compatibility of 8 aspects.
Significance of Matching Qualities
By combining all these aspects in the horoscope, a total of 36 qualities are formed. The more qualities that match between the boy and girl, the more successful the marriage is considered.
Manglik Matching
If someone's horoscope is Manglik at birth, it's considered a Manglik defect. This is a crucial factor during horoscope matching. If either the boy or the girl has a Manglik defect, a careful matching is done with the help of astrologers, and a decision is taken accordingly. Generally, if one person has a Manglik defect and the other does not, the marriage is considered unsuitable due to the defect. However, sometimes the Manglik defect of a person can be lessened based on the planetary positions in the other person's horoscope. A minimum of 18 matching qualities are required for a successful marriage.
As previously mentioned, according to Hindu traditions, each individual's horoscope contains a total of 36 qualities. For a marriage to be considered successful, at least 18 of these 36 qualities must match between the couple. A marriage where fewer than 18 qualities match is considered unsuccessful, and the couple may face various challenges in their marital life. It is said that relationships with fewer than 18 matching qualities may not last long and are prone to breakdown.
32 to 36 Matching Qualities Considered the Best
A minimum of 18 matching qualities are essential for marriage. 18 to 25 matching qualities are considered good. 25 to 32 matching qualities are considered excellent. Couples with 25 to 32 matching qualities generally experience a harmonious marital life with fewer problems. Their lives are often happy and fulfilling. Furthermore, 32 to 36 matching qualities are considered the best. Couples with 32 to 36 matching qualities enjoy a very prosperous, happy, and successful marital life. However, finding a match with 32 to 36 matching qualities is relatively uncommon.