Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the "Vanataru Wildlife Center," a wildlife rescue and rehabilitation center in Gujarat. This center is a unique wildlife conservation facility, not only in India but globally, providing safe haven to over 150,000 rescued animals representing more than 2,000 species.
Gandhinagar: Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently inaugurated the 'Vanataru' wildlife rescue, rehabilitation, and conservation center in Jamnagar, Gujarat. This center serves as a sanctuary for over 150,000 rescued, endangered, and vulnerable animals belonging to more than 2,000 species. During the inauguration, Prime Minister Modi visited various animal care facilities and gathered information about rare species. He spent time with cubs of Asiatic lions, white lions, clouded leopards, and caracals, even hand-feeding them.
Showing Affection by Feeding Cubs
Prime Minister Modi spent time with many rescued cubs of rare and endangered species. He hand-fed milk to cubs of Asiatic lions, white lions, caracals, and clouded leopards. Many of these animals were rescued from critical situations and brought to Vanataru for care.
Prime Minister Modi inspected Vanataru's state-of-the-art animal care facilities. He observed an Asiatic lion undergoing an MRI in the hospital's MRI room and reviewed the surgery of an injured leopard rescued after being hit by a vehicle on a highway.
Special Moments with Rescued Rare Animals
Prime Minister Modi observed rescued golden and snow tigers from circuses. He affectionately patted an okapi and spent time with chimpanzees and orangutans. He also saw hippos, ostriches, bongo antelopes, tapirs, and rare two-headed snakes and tortoises. Prime Minister Modi visited a specialized hydrotherapy pool for elephants, where elephants suffering from leg and foot problems are treated. He closely observed the elephants' bathing process in a special jacuzzi.
Parrot Release and Interactions with Staff
During his visit, Prime Minister Modi released rescued parrots at Vanataru and watched them fly into the open sky. He spoke with veterinarians, support staff, and caretakers at the conservation center, learning about their experiences and praising their efforts in wildlife conservation. The Vanataru Wildlife Center is not only a treatment center for injured and vulnerable animals; it also plays a vital role in the conservation and rehabilitation of endangered species. Prime Minister Modi's visit sent a b message about wildlife conservation and ecological balance in the country.