
Dove and Rabbit's Dispute Over a Home

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Once upon a time, in a forest, a dove lived in a hollow of a tree. The area around the tree had other trees bearing fruits and seeds. The dove lived happily, feasting on these fruits and seeds. Years passed in this manner. One day, while flying, another dove landed on a branch of the same tree to rest. The two doves began talking. The second dove was surprised to learn that the first dove had spent its entire life merely eating fruits and seeds. The second dove said, "Brother, there is more to food than just fruits and seeds; there are many other delicious things in the world. The grains grown in fields are unmatched. Why not try something new?"

After the second dove flew away, the first dove pondered. It decided to visit the distant fields and taste this "grain" for itself. The next day, the dove flew to a field near by, where rice plants were flourishing. It pecked at the tender shoots. The taste was exquisite! The dove enjoyed its meal immensely and, feeling full, slept soundly there. It continued this routine of eating, drinking, and sleeping. After six or seven days, it began to miss home. Meanwhile, a rabbit was wandering in search of a home. A flood had destroyed its burrow, leaving it homeless.

The rabbit came to the tree where the dove had lived and, finding it empty, claimed the hollow as its own and settled in. When the dove returned, it found someone else occupying its home. The dove was furious. "Who are you? What are you doing in my home?" it demanded. The rabbit flashed its teeth and said, "I am the owner of this home. I have been living here for seven days; this is my home." The dove, enraged, exclaimed, "Seven days! I have lived in this hollow for many years. Ask any bird or animal around!"

The rabbit cut the dove off, saying, "Look, it was empty. I moved in. Why would I ask the neighbours?" The dove, in a fit of anger, replied, "Just because a place is empty doesn't mean it's unclaimed! I'm telling you one last time—vacate my home, or..." The rabbit challenged back, "Or what? This is my home. Do what you will!" The dove was taken aback. Seeking help and justice, it went to the other animals in the neighbourhood. They all offered empty promises but provided no help.

An old neighbour said, "It's best not to prolong this. You should reach a compromise." However, no compromise seemed possible, as neither party was willing to concede. Finally, a fox advised them, "You should both go to a wise man or woman to settle your dispute." Both doves agreed. They began searching for a wise person and eventually found themselves by the Ganges river. There, they saw a meditating cat, adorned with a sacred thread and a garland in hand, seated on a tiger skin, looking quite holy.

The dove and rabbit were overjoyed at the prospect of seeking wisdom from this seemingly enlightened individual. The rabbit said, "Dove, why don't we seek this person's judgement in our dispute?" The dove was impressed by the cat, but somewhat hesitant. "I have no objection, but we should proceed with caution," the dove said. The rabbit, charmed by the cat, exclaimed, "Look! This cat has renounced worldly desires and embraced a spiritual life!" In truth, the cat was playing the role of a holy person to trap foolish creatures. To further enchant the dove and rabbit, the cat began chanting loudly.

Summary of the Story

This story teaches us that it's best to avoid conflicts, as third parties often benefit from them.

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