
Newly Elected Mukhiya Ignores Villagers' Plight

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After winning the election, villagers approach the Mukhiya with their problems.

Villager: Mukhiya ji, our village lacks a paved road. During the rainy season, the entire village turns into mud, causing great hardship to the villagers. Please ensure the development of our village as well.

Mukhiya: (Lying on a cot) Did I contract this?

Villager: During the election campaign, you came to us, folded your hands, touched the feet of the village elders, and begged for votes. You said our votes were precious; please give us your vote. You won by a landslide and now you're saying this? If you won't listen to us, then who will?

Mukhiya: (Yawning) Yes, I came, but when you people didn't listen to me, why should I listen to you? I explained to you and pleaded that your vote is very precious, please vote for us. But still, you didn't listen; you donated your precious vote to us... Now face the consequences.



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