
The Samosa Seller and the Manager: A Tale of Success

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Friends, while storytelling has a rich and ancient tradition in our country, it seems to be fading in today's digital world. Stories are a powerful medium for learning and understanding, benefiting both children and adults. We strive to entertain you with new stories that also carry meaningful messages. We hope you enjoy our stories. Here's an interesting one for you:


"The Story of a Manager and a Samosa Seller"

A popular samosa shop was located right outside the gates of a large company. During lunch breaks, company employees frequently visited the shop to enjoy samosas.

One day, a company manager, while eating a samosa, jokingly engaged with the samosa seller.

The manager said, "Hey Gopal, you've built a very successful shop. But don't you think you're wasting your time and talent selling samosas? Imagine if you were working in this company like me, where would you be today? You might even be a manager like me."

After a moment's thought, Gopal, the samosa seller, replied, "Sir, my work is better than yours. Ten years ago, when I was selling samosas from a basket, this company hired you. At that time, I earned one thousand rupees a month, and your salary was ten thousand."

“Over these ten years, we both worked hard.”

“You rose from supervisor to manager.”

“And I, from selling samosas from a basket, have established this renowned shop.”

“Today, you earn 50,000 rupees a month,”

“And I earn 2,000,000 rupees a month.”

“But I'm not saying my work is better because of this.

Consider this, sir. I started with very little, but my son won't have to endure the same struggles. My shop will be his, and he will benefit from all my hard work. Your children, however, will benefit from your lifetime of work for your employer.

Now, you can't directly place your son in your position, can you? He'll have to start from scratch, just like you did. And at the end of his career, he'll reach the same position you hold now.

Whereas my son will inherit this business and expand upon it.

And during their tenure, we will all perform excellently.

Now you tell me, whose time and talent is being wasted?"

The manager gave Gopal 20 rupees for two samosas and left without another word…!!!


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