
Pakistan's Chemical Castration Law: A Deterrent to Rape or a Failure?

Pakistan's Chemical Castration Law: A Deterrent to Rape or a Failure?
Last Updated: 9 hour ago

Laws against heinous crimes like rape have been enacted globally, yet the incidence of this crime continues to rise in many countries.

New Delhi: While various laws exist worldwide to curb the horrific crime of rape, its prevalence continues to increase in many nations. In India, demands for stricter laws persist, while neighboring Pakistan has implemented a particularly stringent measure against rapists—chemical castration—a punishment that sends shivers down the spines of criminals.

Shocking Statistics on Rape in Pakistan

Statistics on rape in Pakistan are alarming. In 2023, senior journalist Hamid Mir revealed on a television program that in 82% of rape cases in Pakistan, the perpetrator is a relative of the victim, including fathers, brothers, uncles, maternal uncles, grandfathers, and grandfathers. Reports suggest a rape occurs every two hours in Pakistan.

Anti-Rape Ordinance Enacted in 2020

In response to the rising number of rape cases, the Imran Khan government in Pakistan approved the Anti-Rape Ordinance 2020. This law mandates chemical castration for convicted rapists. This involves administering an injection rendering the offender permanently impotent. The government implemented this punishment to deter future crimes.

In Pakistan, negligence in investigating rape cases results in a three-year prison sentence and heavy fines for police or government officials. Furthermore, revealing the identity of a rape victim is also punishable by law.

Has this Strict Law Curbed Crime?

Despite Pakistan's strict laws against rapists, the situation remains troubling. Between 2017 and 2021, 21,900 rape cases were registered, but experts believe this is a significant underreporting due to social stigma and fear.

Demand for Stricter Laws in India

In India, there have been repeated calls for harsher punishments for rapists. Following the Nirbhaya case, several new laws were enacted, but demands for the death penalty or castration for rapists persist. Whether a similar law will be implemented in India remains a significant question.

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