When will the Assistant Loco Pilot Exam City Slip be released? Know the date and other details.
The Railway Assistant Loco Pilot CBT 2 exam city slip may be released on March 9, 2025. Candidates can download it from the RRB website.
RRB ALP CBT 2 2025: An important update has been released for the Railway Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP) recruitment exam 2025. The exam city slip for this exam, scheduled for March 19 and 20, 2025, will be released soon. According to this information, the slip containing the exam city details is likely to be released ten days before the exam, i.e., on March 9, 2025.
Exam City Slip Download Process
Candidates can download the exam city slip by visiting the regional official website of the railway. This slip will provide information about the cities where the exam will be held. Candidates must ensure that there is a difference between the exam city intimation slip and the admit card. The city slip will mention the exam city, while the admit card will contain the exam center details.
Steps to Download the Exam City Slip:
- First, visit the official website of the concerned Railway Recruitment Board (RRB).
- Click on the CEN number 01/2024 exam city link on the homepage.
- Now, candidates will have to go to the Candidate's Portal.
- Here, you will find the RRB ALP CBT 2 City Intimation Slip link; click on it.
- Enter your registration number and password or date of birth.
- After logging in, your city slip will appear on the screen.
- Download and take a printout.
Railway ALP CBT 1 Exam and Result
The first phase of the Railway Assistant Loco Pilot recruitment exam 2024 was conducted between November 25 and 29, 2024. After the exam, the Railway Recruitment Board released the provisional answer key, giving candidates a chance to raise objections. The results of this exam were released on February 26, 2025.
Recently, the results of the first phase for Junior Engineer (JE) and other positions were also declared. Now, preparations are underway for the second phase of the ALP exam, giving candidates ample time to prepare for the upcoming exam.
RRB ALP CBT 2 Exam Schedule
The RRB ALP CBT 2 exam is scheduled to be held on March 19 and 20, 2025. Candidates who successfully clear this exam will be selected for the next phase. Candidates should regularly visit the Railway Recruitment Board's website for all updates and guidelines related to the exam.