
The Disappearing House Sparrow: A Call to Action on World Sparrow Day

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In today's concrete jungles, the morning freshness and chirping of birds are fading away. Once upon a time, the chirping of a house sparrow perched on our windowsill was a part of our morning routine. But now, this tiny bird is disappearing from our courtyards. Recognizing this concern, World Sparrow Day is observed every year on March 20th. The aim of this day is to raise awareness about the conservation of sparrows.

The Fading Song of the Sparrow

The house sparrow, known as Passer domesticus, was once a part of every street and neighborhood. This small bird preferred to live near humans with its family, but today, urbanization, indiscriminate felling of trees, and radiation from mobile towers have drastically reduced the sparrow population.

How Did World Sparrow Day Begin?

Mohammad Dilawar, a dedicated environmentalist from Nashik, observed the declining existence of sparrows and took steps towards their conservation. He established the Nature Forever Society, and the first World Sparrow Day was celebrated in 2010. This initiative began with the collaboration of the Eco-Sys Action Foundation in France and other organizations.

Can We Save the Sparrow?

If we become conscious today, saving the sparrow is possible. Here are some suggestions:

Provide food and water: Keep grains and water on your rooftops or balconies.
Build nests: Make small artificial nests and hang them on trees.
Plant trees: Plant flowering and fruit-bearing plants around you.
Control radiation: Steps should be taken at the government level to control radiation emanating from mobile towers.

Sparrow Becomes Delhi's State Bird

In 2012, the sparrow was declared the state bird of Delhi. This was a significant step, sending a b message towards conservation. Now is the time for all of us to become a part of this effort to protect the sparrow.

Some Interesting Facts about Sparrows

Sparrows prefer to live with their families.
Observing their flocks teaches us the importance of unity.
The decline in the number of sparrows reflects the crisis of our biodiversity.
Sparrow chicks are called "chicks".
This bird can lift a weight greater than its own.

Let's Become the Voice of the Sparrow

On this World Sparrow Day, let us resolve that we will not let the sparrow become just a part of our memories. Let's hang small nests on our windows, keep food and water, and prevent deforestation. Perhaps tomorrow morning, a tiny sparrow will be waiting for you on your windowsill.

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