
International Women Judges Day: Celebrating Achievements and Addressing Challenges

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Every year on March 10th, International Women Judges Day is observed, providing an opportunity to honor women judges who have championed justice and equality. This day symbolizes the promotion of gender equality, impartiality, and women's participation in the judicial system.

Contributions and Struggles of Women Judges

Even today, women in the judiciary face numerous challenges. They encounter sexual harassment, bullying, discrimination, and various other obstacles. Despite these hardships, women judges have carved a space for themselves with courage and determination. The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) passed a resolution on April 28, 2021, declaring March 10th as International Women Judges Day.

When Was This Day First Celebrated?

This day was first observed on March 10, 2022. Its purpose was to ensure equal participation of women in the judicial system and celebrate their achievements. This year, the day is being observed under the theme "Women in Justice, Women for Justice." The main objective is to encourage the full and equal participation of women at all levels of the judiciary.

Achievements of Women Judges

India's first woman judge: Meera Sahib Fatima Beevi was the first woman judge appointed to the Supreme Court. The United Nations and Justice: To enhance women's participation, the UNODC (UN Office on Drugs and Crime) held a conference in Doha, Qatar in 2020, which discussed the status of women judges. Number of women judges worldwide: Even today, the percentage of women in the judiciary is significantly lower than that of men.

A Day to Honor Women Judges

International Women Judges Day is not merely a formality; it is a day to salute the struggles of women who, despite difficulties, have ascended to the judicial bench and laid the foundation for equality and impartiality in society. On this day, we pay tribute to all women judges who, through their courage and determination, have redefined justice and opened new avenues for women.

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